
Dr. O. P. Kohli, Retd. Governer, Gujarat, Retd. Professor, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi

Dr. Inder Mohan Kapahy, Former member UGC, Retd. Professor, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi

Dr. Manoj Khanna, Principal, Ramjas College, University of Delhi

Dr. N. K. Kakkar, Retd. Professor, Ramjas College, University of Delhi

Dr. K. P. Chinda, Retd. Principal, Keshavpuram Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi

Dr. Rajvir Sharma, Retd. Professor from ARSD College, University of Delhi

DR. Sriram Oberoi, Retd. Professor from Rajdhani College, University of Delhi

DR. Manoj Sinha, Principal, Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi

Dr. Mukesh Agrawal, Principal, PGDAV College, University of Delhi

Dr. Surendra Kumar, Associate Professor, PGDAV College, University of Delhi

Dr. Maneesha Pandey, Associate Professor in Political Science, Hindu College, University of Delhi