Category: Editor’s Choice

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Posted in Editor's Choice opinion Politics

The unsung heroes of the Emergency

(taken from Delhi edition of Indian Express dated June 24, 2020) It began sometime during November-December 1973 in Gujarat. Due to inflation, an engineering college raised the mess bill for hostellers. There were strong protests. Other colleges in the state… read more The unsung heroes of the Emergency

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Posted in Delhi University Editor's Choice education HINDI opinion

समायोजन का लक्ष्य – राजनीतिक लड़ाई से नहीं, कानूनी रास्ते से ही हासिल करना संभव

राजनैतिक जोड़ तोड़ और सत्याग्रही आंदोलनों के रास्ते से हमें 5-6 दिसंबर को एच आर डी (HRD) का जो पत्र मिल पाया वो भी हम विश्वविद्यालय में पूरी तरह से लागू करा पाने में अभी तक असमर्थ रहे हैं। अगर हम एडहॉक… read more समायोजन का लक्ष्य – राजनीतिक लड़ाई से नहीं, कानूनी रास्ते से ही हासिल करना संभव

0 439
Posted in Delhi University Editor's Choice opinion

Appointment of Teachers in Delhi University: Will that take more than ten years?

Delhi University is facing a crisis on the issue of appointments of teachers as till a year ago the issue was not even seen to be on the priority that it deserved, for almost a decade. It was neither given… read more Appointment of Teachers in Delhi University: Will that take more than ten years?